Jobs not appearing in a users app

Jobs not appearing in a users app

Troubleshooting Jobs not appearing on the Mobile App

There are 4 reasons why a job may not show on a user’s Fieldmotion app.


In any instance where a user reports that they have not received a job to their device – Please check in the jobs list page in your Fieldmotion.

Under the column called Status – check to see if the icon indicated below has turned Green. If so, then the device has received the job and has been successfully sync’d.

Please now proceed through steps 1 – 4 to resolve the issue.

If the icon is Grey – please check if the user is (a) logged into the app (b) has an active data connection


  1. Logging into the app and not allowing sufficient time to sync.

Has user has recently logged into the app and not allowed sufficient time for the app to download to the device?

In order to complete a successful sync – the app user must ensure that the Fieldmotion app is left onscreen, that they do not close it or put it into the background whilst opening or in another app, or the device screen time out does not engage.

If any of these events happen, then that will stop the sync, and the necessary files will not be written to a device. 

A mobile device can write at a maximum speed of 6 files per second.   A file would be for example A Customer, an asset, a previous job completed (if you have activated archives on for the user) stock/schedule of rates.  Until all files have downloaded the sync will not be complete.  Please check the above number of these items you have in your system – then divide by 360 (this would be the maximum file write speed to a device per minute.  This will give you an approximation of how long device sync should take from logging in.)   Please also ask the user to ensure that they are connected to a wi-fi network whilst doing this, to preserve their mobile data.

We do not recommend users log out once they have logged in because the above process may take some time to complete and prove difficult if in an area where there is weak or no data coverage.


  1. Has the user has an incorrect date field selected.

In the jobs module on the mobile app – on the top right hand side is a date picker. By default this is set to show 7 days in the past to 7 days in the future


Has the user set their own visibility range by simply clicking on the date field and setting something different?

To change this please ask the user to simply click on the date field and then set a new range followed by pressing save – Depending on the range this has been extended by, it may take some time for new jobs to appear.



  1. Is the date the job has been created for correct

Has the office allocated a date to the job which falls outside of the date picker range?

Following on from point 2, it is possible that the date of the job has been set far in advance of the range the user has selected to show on the mobile app. For Example if the job has been booked by the office for 8 days ahead of todays date, and the user has the default set to 7 days in advance – he will not see this job on the device. 

If the above is the case simply adjust the date picker in the method described in point 2



  1. Has the sort button been engaged to filter jobs by address

When you add a customer to Fieldmotion, if the address contains no errors then it is possible to sort the jobs based on address.

By default the sort button is set to display an icon with 2 grey arrows as shown below


If for example a user accidently changes this to the below icon (and at least one of the addresses in their job list is not in a correct format ) – then the jobs list will not display any jobs


To resolve – please ask the user to tap the above icon until the icon appears as the two grey arrows.  It may take several seconds for this to then load

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